League Leaderboard

Summer 2023
- Standings Matches

Leaderboard Rankings for Summer 2023
Member (**)Weight PointsPts (*)
1stMartin Wall849lbs 7oz321
2ndRob Crompton772lbs 0oz316.1
3rdTony Stewart763lbs 14oz311
4thAlan Wakefield764lbs 2oz309
5thShaun Dullaghan693lbs 15oz306.4
6thColin Newton693lbs 14oz273.2
7thPaul Smith583lbs 8oz256.1
8thDaniel Thomas498lbs 3oz255
9thAlan Bates425lbs 8oz210
10thPaul Leonard408lbs 7oz206.8
11thTom Rowell325lbs 9oz203.6
12thTommy Knox315lbs 7oz197.1
13thJim Renshaw274lbs 1oz183.2
14thChris Bayliss288lbs 11oz177.9
15thRoy Taylor217lbs 4oz166.1
16thBill Ainsworth307lbs 11oz160.7
17thAdam Smith282lbs 12oz159.6
18thAndy Openshaw277lbs 0oz142
19thNeil Hardiker195lbs 9oz85.7
20thDarren Lord217lbs 9oz68.6
21stDaz Gleaves277lbs 4oz53.6
22ndThomas Parish21lbs 2oz36.4
23rdCarl Farr53lbs 8oz32.1
24thJason Dullaghan45lbs 5oz28.9

(*) - dynamic wildcard point averages are already applied to the above table, they are updated each time a match result is published and your overall average changes. See below to find out how many points your wildcard is currently worth.

(**) - guest anglers are excluded from this leaderboard, click here to include guests.

Wildcard(s) Used

MemberCurrent Wildcard Value
Rob Crompton21.1 pts
Shaun Dullaghan20.4 pts
Colin Newton18.2 pts
Paul Smith17.1 pts
Daniel Thomas17.0 pts
Paul Leonard13.8 pts
Tom Rowell13.6 pts
Tommy Knox13.1 pts
Jim Renshaw12.2 pts
Chris Bayliss11.9 pts
Roy Taylor11.1 pts
Bill Ainsworth10.7 pts
Adam Smith10.6 pts
Neil Hardiker5.7 pts
Darren Lord4.6 pts
Daz Gleaves3.6 pts
Thomas Parish2.4 pts
Carl Farr2.1 pts
Jason Dullaghan1.9 pts

Biggest Fish Caught

MatchMemberSpeciesFish Weight
23/07/2023Rob CromptonCarp14lbs 15oz
03/09/2023Colin NewtonCarp14lbs 4oz
11/06/2023Alan BatesCarp11lbs 11oz
11/06/2023Alan BatesCarp11lbs 11oz
30/04/2023Tom RowellCarp10lbs 6oz
16/04/2023Alan BatesCarp9lbs 10oz
13/05/2023Tony StewartCarp8lbs 15oz
13/05/2023Alan BatesCarp6lbs 5oz

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