League Leaderboard

Summer 2021
- Standings Matches

Leaderboard Rankings for Summer 2021
Member (**)Weight PointsPts (*)
1stDaz Gleaves1063lbs 3oz306
2ndPaul Smith516lbs 11oz284.7
3rdRyan Hamer394lbs 9oz256.4
4thColin Newton536lbs 3oz253.1
5thShaun Dullaghan340lbs 10oz228
6thChris Bayliss287lbs 1oz219
7thDaniel Thomas249lbs 11oz206.2
8thDale Newton291lbs 11oz204
9thRoy Taylor205lbs 10oz183
10thGaz Thomas353lbs 15oz182.2
11thBernard Wall255lbs 0oz166.9
12thShaun Flanagan179lbs 9oz164.7
13thNeil Hardiker249lbs 5oz163.6
14thDerek Smith239lbs 4oz138.5
15thJason Dullaghan148lbs 9oz138.5
16thJim Renshaw123lbs 7oz117.8
17thAndy Openshaw137lbs 8oz112.4
18thNorman Gibbs88lbs 12oz89.5
19thTom Mountford88lbs 8oz84
20thSimon Walsh55lbs 7oz36
21stMartin Wall13lbs 15oz27.3

(*) - dynamic wildcard point averages are already applied to the above table, they are updated each time a match result is published and your overall average changes. See below to find out how many points your wildcard is currently worth.

(**) - guest anglers are excluded from this leaderboard, click here to include guests.

Wildcard(s) Used

MemberCurrent Wildcard Value
Paul Smith23.7 pts
Ryan Hamer21.4 pts
Colin Newton21.1 pts
Shaun Dullaghan19.0 pts
Daniel Thomas17.2 pts
Dale Newton17.0 pts
Gaz Thomas15.2 pts
Bernard Wall13.9 pts
Shaun Flanagan13.7 pts
Neil Hardiker13.6 pts
Jason Dullaghan11.5 pts
Derek Smith11.5 pts
Jim Renshaw9.8 pts
Andy Openshaw9.4 pts
Norman Gibbs7.5 pts
Tom Mountford7.0 pts
Simon Walsh3.0 pts
Martin Wall2.3 pts
Ben Harrison0 pts

Biggest Fish Caught

MatchMemberSpeciesFish Weight
15/08/2021Chris BaylissCarp10lbs 13oz
04/07/2021Ryan HamerCarp9lbs 6oz
06/06/2021Daz GleavesCarp8lbs 12oz
09/05/2021Norman GibbsCarp6lbs 14oz
09/05/2021Neil HardikerCarp6lbs 12oz

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