League Leaderboard

Summer 2019
- Standings Matches

Leaderboard Rankings for Summer 2019
Member (**)Weight PointsPts (*)
1stDaz Gleaves798lbs 8oz322.8
2ndColin Newton599lbs 13oz304
3rdBernard Wall581lbs 3oz292
4thMartin Wall539lbs 7oz285
5thPaul Smith485lbs 1oz278.4
6thShaun Dullaghan453lbs 0oz268
7thTom Dixon330lbs 11oz244.8
8thGavin Rowlands381lbs 8oz225.3
9thAlan Bates274lbs 4oz200
10thMarc Gaskell232lbs 2oz167.9
11thGaz Thomas388lbs 14oz152.8
12thChris Bayliss118lbs 13oz126.8
13thNeil Hardiker150lbs 15oz125.7
14thShaun Flanagan121lbs 8oz118.1
15thJim Renshaw62lbs 8oz97.5
16thPaul Masters143lbs 8oz74.8
17thJohn Sparke52lbs 0oz54.2
18thMike Talbot62lbs 1oz37.9
19thPhil Beeston22lbs 12oz23.8
20thSimon Walsh2lbs 3oz14.1

(*) - dynamic wildcard point averages are already applied to the above table, they are updated each time a match result is published and your overall average changes. See below to find out how many points your wildcard is currently worth.

(**) - guest anglers are excluded from this leaderboard, click here to include guests.

Wildcard(s) Used

MemberCurrent Wildcard Value
Daz Gleaves24.8 pts
Paul Smith21.4 pts
Tom Dixon18.8 pts
Gavin Rowlands17.3 pts
Marc Gaskell12.9 pts
Gaz Thomas11.8 pts
Chris Bayliss9.8 pts
Neil Hardiker9.7 pts
Shaun Flanagan9.1 pts
Jim Renshaw7.5 pts
Paul Masters5.8 pts
John Sparke4.2 pts
Mike Talbot2.9 pts
Phil Beeston1.8 pts
Simon Walsh1.1 pts
Graham Fletcher0 pts

Biggest Fish Caught

MatchMemberSpeciesFish Weight
11/08/2019Martin WallCarp14lbs 0oz

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