League Leaderboard

Summer 2024
- Standings Matches

Leaderboard Rankings for Summer 2024
Member (**)Weight PointsPts (*)
1stDaz Gleaves905lbs 12oz307.7
2ndRob Crompton783lbs 3oz291.4
3rdMartin Wall799lbs 4oz283
4thJay Suggett689lbs 13oz277.3
5thShaun Dullaghan730lbs 0oz275
6thAlan Wakefield688lbs 0oz268.7
7thDaniel Thomas523lbs 15oz251.3
8thColin Newton515lbs 13oz242.7
9thPaul Leonard402lbs 9oz227.5
10thAlan Bates438lbs 5oz212.3
11thCarl Farr373lbs 7oz211.3
12thTommy Knox346lbs 12oz196
13thAdam Smith275lbs 10oz169
14thAndy Openshaw200lbs 5oz154.9
15thChris Bayliss168lbs 5oz149.5
16thBill Ainsworth205lbs 13oz139.8
17thTom Rowell271lbs 2oz137.6
18thJim Renshaw188lbs 2oz135.4
19thPaul Smith354lbs 15oz126.8
20thRoy Taylor171lbs 15oz118
21stDale Newton199lbs 14oz81.3
22ndDarren Bromley118lbs 7oz74.8
23rdTony Stewart148lbs 11oz73.7
24thNeil Hardiker126lbs 12oz68.3

(*) - dynamic wildcard point averages are already applied to the above table, they are updated each time a match result is published and your overall average changes. See below to find out how many points your wildcard is currently worth.

(**) - guest anglers are excluded from this leaderboard, click here to include guests.

Wildcard(s) Used

MemberCurrent Wildcard Value
Daz Gleaves23.7 pts
Rob Crompton22.4 pts
Jay Suggett21.3 pts
Alan Wakefield20.7 pts
Daniel Thomas19.3 pts
Colin Newton18.7 pts
Paul Leonard17.5 pts
Alan Bates16.3 pts
Carl Farr16.3 pts
Adam Smith13.0 pts
Andy Openshaw11.9 pts
Chris Bayliss11.5 pts
Bill Ainsworth10.8 pts
Tom Rowell10.6 pts
Jim Renshaw10.4 pts
Paul Smith9.8 pts
Dale Newton6.3 pts
Darren Bromley5.8 pts
Tony Stewart5.7 pts
Neil Hardiker5.3 pts

Biggest Fish Caught

MatchMemberSpeciesFish Weight
24/08/2024Adam SmithCarp16lbs 1oz
24/08/2024Daz GleavesCarp12lbs 5oz
24/08/2024Alan WakefieldCarp12lbs 3oz
28/07/2024Rob CromptonCarp11lbs 6oz
24/08/2024Daniel ThomasCarp11lbs 1oz
28/07/2024Alan WakefieldCarp10lbs 9oz
10/08/2024Dale NewtonCarp10lbs 9oz
24/08/2024Jim RenshawCarp10lbs 9oz
21/04/2024Daz GleavesCarp10lbs 8oz
01/06/2024Paul SmithCarp10lbs 5oz
01/06/2024Daniel ThomasCarp9lbs 14oz

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