Match Overview

So the day finally arrived, four clubs battling it out to take the coveted Interclub Challenge Trophy.

Not the easiest days fishing with most Anglers struggling to get early bites and long periods of drought. The favoured pegs were the mid twenties with Choppy on peg 26 doing it proud taking the overall win.

Pegs on the bends seemed to be where all the weights would come from today, but not producing the 100 LB. plus we were expecting.

All said, another great event in the Annual Calender.

Big Thanks once again to ERB for organising the Event and to all the Anglers that took part.

Match Results

To view the published results, click below:

View the match results…

Just eleven days left to the 2019 Quad Challenge!

This Year being held at Heronbrook fisheries, Eccleshall ST21 6QP. All clubs have now confirmed the ten anglers that are competing for them, and looking at the line ups it will be a very good battle for the top spot and bragging rights, woolston the three time champions fished Heronbrook

The Meadows this weekend and some good weights were produced with just under 150lb winning the match.
This could see them Favourites once again. But will be chased by Dog and Partridge who this season have produced some massive weights and improved vastly under the supervision of Kevin Blackburn

ERB have not fished since 11th August and have no fixtures until the challenge on the 7th, making sure all anglers and rested to give them the best chance of rocking the boat, new in this year is Stockton to whom we know nothing about so they are coming into event as 2nd Favourutes due to the number of all stars in the team.

The line up is as follows…

Quad Challenge 2019
Heronbrook The Meadows – 07/09/2019

C Newton
D Gleave
B Wall
M Wall
P Smith
S Dullaghan
T Dixon
M Gaskell
A Bates
G Rowland

Dog and Partridge
K Blackburn
S Boland
P Greenhalgh
B Gresswell
S Hardy
A Hesketh
H Minshull
R Wilson
I Wrigley
C Higham

Woolston AC
P Ryan
D Catterall
C Turner
D Manion
M Corless
G Gee
W Willows
G Leicester
D Smith
A Plumb

Stockton Heath
W Chiscoli
C Chriscoli
W Smith
S Yates
P Lucas
J Kirk
L Tabern
R Fowles
M Wallwork
K Buckley


Our new website is now live in beta mode, where a few further developments are underway – we were too eager to share what we’ve been working on behind the scenes with you to hide it any longer.

In the new website:

– Full League Leaderboards (Current & Past)
– Previous League Winners (Cast of Honor)
– All Upcoming matches in a league
– All past matches ever fished
– Every result for every match ever
– Member profiles for each angler, including match record (a record of all your match results)
– Biggest Fish
– Venues and Waters (including contact & location details)
– News & Announcements
– Club Rules

Our website is developed as a iPhone-ready web application, so what this means is; you can install the website to your home screen, and it will create an ERB Angling icon – then all your club results, fixtures, league leaderboards and venue information will never be more than a tap of your finger away!

See the attached images for information on adding the ERB Angling app to your homescreen. For all other mobile users, you can still bookmark the website or add it to your home screens in the usual way, and use it as a website.

Notice from Environment Agency

Dear ERB Angling Club,

At the Environment Agency, we know that anglers play a vital role in helping us and our partners protect and develop fisheries and improve angling. This year, particularly, your support has been more important than ever.

The weather made life very difficult for fish stocks and anglers alike. The Beast from the East was followed by a period of prolonged dry weather in which we relied on anglers to report incidents of fish in distress. This helped our teams deal with a record number of incidents; oxygenating waters and rescuing fish in difficulty. Thanks to your help, both in buying a fishing licence and alerting us to problems, we were able to rescue many thousands of fish that would otherwise have died.

Illegal fishing remains an issue for us. Many of you have supported our enforcement teams both in the Environment Agency and the Voluntary Bailiff Service, which is run on our behalf by the Angling Trust. You have provided us with information to target our efforts and stamp down on illegal activity. Please keep reporting issues to us. Remember, if it isn’t reported we cannot take action.

Thanks too must go to the countless volunteers up and down the country who work hard to introduce new people to this wonderful sport of angling. Many of you have become coaches or work within your angling clubs, while others help family or friends become involved.

Finally, tens of thousands of you have also completed our National Angling Survey. The information you have provided will help us shape our angling strategy to keep improving and developing the sport of angling.

I would like to personally thank all of you who have worked so hard to make angling the incredible sport it undoubtedly is. I know that working together we can continue to go from strength to strength.

I hope you have a very happy Christmas.

Dr Kevin Austin
Deputy Director
Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment