Matches & Results

Sat 11th Jun

League Match
Summer 2022
Draw Water Venue
9:00AM No 4Bradshaw Hall

Match Results

Highlighting results for: Roy Taylor

Angler Weight Peg PointsPts
1stDaz Gleaves220lbs 13oz1229
2ndColin Newton135lbs 0oz1427
3rdDarren Lord102lbs 15oz726
4thNeil Hardiker95lbs 2oz325
5thShaun Dullaghan88lbs 1oz1124
6thRob Crompton80lbs 5oz1523
7thAlan Wakefield73lbs 5oz1322
8thTommy Knox36lbs 6oz1621
9thChris Bayliss35lbs 2oz1020
10thDaniel Thomas30lbs 14oz519
11thPaul Smith27lbs 11oz618
12thAndy Openshaw25lbs 10oz817
13thRoy Taylor22lbs 0oz116
14thPaul Leonard21lbs 2oz215
15thJason Dullaghan21lbs 1oz414
DNWPaul Hutchins0lbs 0oz90
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Match Analysis/Report

Match took place on Bradshaw No 4 Lake, Weather was nice with a shower late afternoon, the wall side seemed to dominate the match. With Daz Gleave smashing the match with a weight of 220lb, 2nd fell to Colin Newton 135lb and 3rd was Darren Lord with 105lb well done to all the framers, sections were taken be the following Neil Hardiker, Shaun Dullaghan and Rob Crompton, Paul smith went into the match with a negative attitude and had a shocker also broke two sections of his pole, lesson learnt

Biggest Fish Caught

MemberSpeciesFish Weight
Tommy KnoxCarp7lbs 9oz

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