Matches & Results

Sat 01st Sep

League Match
Summer 2018
Draw Water Venue
9:00AM RowanSycamore

Match Results

Highlighting results for: Dale Newton

Angler Weight Peg PointsPts
1stDale Newton46lbs 0oz---29
2ndMike Talbot42lbs 11oz---27
3rdPaul Hutchins32lbs 11oz---26
4thColin Newton22lbs 12oz---25
5thPaul Masters21lbs 6oz---24
GUESTM Wall20lbs 4oz------
6thShaun Flanagan18lbs 4oz---23
7thGaz Thomas14lbs 5oz---22
GUESTB Wall14lbs 3oz------
8thNorman Gibbs13lbs 1oz---21
9thPaul Smith10lbs 1oz---20
10thAlan Bates9lbs 11oz---19
11thJim Renshaw5lbs 1oz---18
12thGavin Rowlands0lbs 2oz---17
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Match Analysis/Report

11th match of Summer League took place today on Sycamore Rowan. Our annual pairs match took place at same time. The match was a difficult one as the fish weren't really having it, but Dale Newton secured victory with a 46lb bag. Closely followed by Mike Talbot with a 42lb 13oz catch. Third fell to current match secretary P Hutchins 32lb 11oz.

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