Matches & Results

Sun 15th Apr

League Match
Summer 2018
Draw Water Venue
9:00AM No 4Bradshaw Hall

Match Results

Highlighting results for: Dale Newton

Angler Weight Peg PointsPts
1stColin Newton114lbs 1oz---29
2ndGaz Thomas96lbs 12oz---27
3rdDale Newton81lbs 2oz---26
4thTom Dixon63lbs 8oz---25
5thMarc Gaskell53lbs 11oz---24
6thPaul Smith48lbs 4oz---23
7thNeil Hardiker47lbs 4oz---22
8thPaul Masters39lbs 4oz---21
9thBen Newton24lbs 1oz---20
10thJim Renshaw20lbs 14oz---19
11thNorman Gibbs19lbs 0oz---18
12thShaun Flanagan18lbs 4oz---17
13thGavin Rowlands16lbs 5oz---16
14thAlan Bates16lbs 0oz---15
15thPaul Hutchins15lbs 15oz---14
16thMick Wild15lbs 7oz---13
17thMike Talbot14lbs 10oz---12
18thGraham Fletcher14lbs 3oz---11
19thPhil Beeston12lbs 6oz---10
19thJohn Sparke12lbs 6oz---10
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Match Analysis/Report

Opening match of season took place today at Bradshaw Fisheries No 4 lake and it was Colin Newton who continued his winning streak with a remarkable match weighing 114lb 1oz to be the first member to break the 100lb barrier! Colin was closely followed by shallow man Gaz Thomas with 96lb 12oz. Dale Newton came third with 81lb 2oz.

Biggest Fish Caught

MemberSpeciesFish Weight
Gaz ThomasCarp11lbs 0oz
Colin NewtonCarp9lbs 12oz

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