Matches & Results

Sun 23rd Apr

League Match
Summer 2017
Draw Water Venue
9:00AM OakBlundells

Match Results

Highlighting results for: Dale Newton

Angler Weight Peg PointsPts
1stMarc Gaskell33lbs 3oz---29
2ndStuart Butterworth30lbs 0oz---27
3rdRoy Taylor24lbs 10oz---26
4thMike Talbot18lbs 1oz---25
5thShaun Flanagan12lbs 10oz---24
6thColin Newton11lbs 9oz---23
7thWayne Burgess10lbs 6oz---22
8thBen Newton9lbs 1oz---21
9thGeoff Coletrup7lbs 14oz---20
10thTom Dixon7lbs 6oz---19
11thJim Renshaw7lbs 3oz---18
12thPaul Masters7lbs 2oz---17
13thGaz Thomas6lbs 8oz---16
14thMick Wild6lbs 0oz---15
15thPaul Smith4lbs 4oz---14
16thGavin Rowlands3lbs 2oz---13
17thNorman Gibbs2lbs 9oz---12
18thDale Newton2lbs 8oz---11
19thBrian Caswell2lbs 3oz---10
20thPaul Hutchins2lbs 1oz---9
21stJohn Sparke2lbs 0oz---8
22ndGraham Fletcher0lbs 4oz---7
DNWAlan Bates0lbs 0oz---0
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Match Analysis/Report

Well the season starts again and as expected a hard 1st match on Blundells Oak/Willow. We had some upsets and an unusual start to the season. Marc set off where he finished last season with a good mixed bag for 33lb. 2nd place fell to Stuart Butterworth with a net of Carp for 30lb, and Roy Taylor took 3rd place with 24lb.

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